Write two reflections about the articles
You are going to attend the lecture “Looking at the Community and Culture-
Food classification systems, food proscriptions and prescriptions. What do they mean?”
Before attending the lecture, you have got the attached 2 article readings:
— 1. Nichter, M (1989) Chapter 6. From Aralu to ORS: Sinhalese Perceptions of Digestion, Diarrhea and Dehydration, Anthropology and International Health: South Asian Case Studies, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, pp. 156-184.
— 2. Roy B (2006) Diabetes and Identity: Changes in the Food Habits of the Innu, in Indigenous People and Diabetes, Ferreira ML and Lang GC (eds), Carolina Academic Press: Durham, pp. 167-186.
Please prepare a reflection (around 135 words) for each of the readings. I provide some reflection examples here as attached.
What you need to finish:
1. Reflection on each article(around 135 words for each article, no strict word limit);