Vogue magazine


You will write an essay about the company you identified as a traditional company in the creative industries, and explain what it would take for it to bridge a gap with the competitors. What should they do to become a Creative Business, and why should they do it? Chosen company: Cond Nast (Vogue magazine specifically)

Format should be as followed:
Grabber statement & context: grab your readers attention with a catchy start, and introduce background information about your company.
You can find more information on how to write this section here (Links to an external site.).

Thesis statement: based on your research introduce your idea, opinion or conclusion about your company.
You can find more information about how to write a thesis statement here (Links to an external site.).


Write three / four paragraphs, each about a different topic. For example about innovations in Creative Businesses (Value Proposition [topic 1], Value Chain [topic 2], Markets [topic 3]) OR about the characteristics of Creative Business (CREATIVITY[topic 1], TECHNOLOGY [topic 2], HUMANITY [topic 3] BUSINESS [topic 4]). (These two examples are here to help you out, you’re free to do define your own topics as long as you’re able to describe the information requested in the rubric).

Introduce each paragraph with a topic sentence explaining what the paragraph is about and what is its central point (for example ‘the company needs to optimize their experiences’). After the topic sentence, you expand on the central point with evidence and examples. Include 2 to 3 supporting points per paragraph (for example ‘experience doesn’t engage all senses’).

You can read more about how to structure the body of your essay here (Links to an external site.).


In one sentence summarise what you have discussed.

Synthesise the points you made in the body of your text. You can learn more about how to connect the multiple ideas and bring them together to form an opinion here (Links to an external site.).

Explain the broader implications. What do you think will happen if the company doesn’t follow these innovations.

Write a closing statement.

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