Vietnam War

From Chapter 27 of the YAWP reader, read the following:
      i.    Barry Goldwater Barry Goldwater, Republican Nomination Acceptance Speech
    ii.    George M. Garcia, Vietnam Veteran, Oral Interview

b.    Read Chapter 30 of the US History online textbook, especially pages 893 903.

c.    Listen to the Born in the USA song and Read the lyrics.

-Prepare your essay and include answers to the following questions:

From the YAWP reading, what is Barry Goldwaters overall message?
From the YAWP reading, why did George M. Garcia refuse the Purple Heart?
Why did the U.S. get involved in the Vietnam War?
What impact did the My Lai Massacre have on relations with the South Vietnamese, on U.S. soldiers, on the American people, and on the presidency?
Describe the events that fueled antiwar sentiment in the Vietnam era.
According to John Kerry, how did many U.S. soldiers treat Vietnamese civilians?
Did we compensate Vietnam for the ecological disaster caused by Agent Orange and other herbicides?
-Do some research online.
What is the legacy of the Vietnam War?
What is the real meaning of the song “Born in the USA”? Shocked?


**Instructor Notes
Minimum of 3 credible, scholarly sources.
Please USE your textbook as a source.
Do Not use .com, .net. or .orgs
Do Not use Wikipedia
Do not use an encyclopedia as one of your major sources. These are compilations, not scholarly sources.
You can use .edu and .gov
I strongly encourage you to use EbscoHost.

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