The spirit catches you and you fall down

you will use this opportunity to relate your books themes to teaching health and your role as a teacher in schools and broader society. We will check in about emerging themes across the quarter. In order to address the prompts thoroughly, you should aim for no less than 5 pages double-spaced. You will write a reflection that answers the following questions as you think about the connection between teaching, culture, and cultural constructions of knowledge and knowing:

What important themes emerged for you in the book? Why were the theme(s) particularly important to you? How do these themes relate to teaching, and what do the theme(s) tell you about the role of culture and equity in health care/teaching?
In what ways is schooling like the culture of the hospital/doctors in your chosen book?
What is the role of culture, power, and privilege in teaching? How can culture be both a challenge and an asset in your class?
In what ways are you only getting a partial glimpse of your students? How might this affect how you teach them?
What can be the effect of deficit perspectives on teaching?
What questions does this bring up for you about teaching to diverse groups of students?

( This is the link of the book.

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