Sentencing Proposals

After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This assignment allows you to explore sentencing options as you continue to think about the case your learning team worked on in Week 3. Read the ruling carefully and return to the case specifics in Week 3 if you need a refresher. Refer to How Courts Work: Steps in a Trial: Plea Bargaining from the American Bar Association website as you work on this assignment.

The ruling for State v. Stu Dents is in and the defendant, your law firms client, was found guilty. As a paralegal, your task now is to help the attorney consider the sentencing options for the client and determine what to propose to the court.

Read the Ruling on State v. Stu Dents. Use this information as the basis for your sentencing proposal.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word sentencing proposal in which you address the following:
Formulate 2 distinct sentencing arguments.
Identify the desired outcome of each punishment. Is a plea bargain a consideration? If so, what is that desired outcome?
Identify alternative and intermediate sanctions.
Explain how the Eighth Amendment influences the outcomes of this case.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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