Response/Reaction paper

Read attached article carefully, and then write an essay in response to the question below. Be sure that your essay reacts to the ideas and/or evidence presented in the article, but remember that you are explaining your own point of view, not the authors.

Do you think people should continue to wear masks on planes after the pandemic?

Your essay should:
Support a clear thesis statement
Be organized into well-developed paragraphs
Refer to the attached article at least once

You may use a dictionary and spell-check.
The article below is the only source you should read for this essay.
Note: Use of any other source in your essay will be considered plagiarism and will lead to your essay receiving a zero. This occurs very rarely and is something you don’t have to worry about if you are just relying on the article below.
Spend some time thinking about what you are going to write before you begin your essay. You may write notes or an outline as part of the writing process, but those other materials should not be included in the file you submit.

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