
1) What is the difference between a person who has a self-directed conscience and a person who has an other-directed conscience?

2) How is a mature conscience different from the super-ego as presented by Freud in his writings? Explain fully.

3) Choose any three of the following symptoms of a misinformed conscience and describe how the mature conscience would avoid these errors.

Rationalization (Stealing may be wrong sometimes, but large stores can afford it because they are making huge profits)
Trivialization (Its no big deal everybody else does it)
Misinformation (My doctor told me that all teenage girls should take the birth control pill to avoid getting pregnant)
The end justifies the immoral means (I had to steal the chocolate bar I didnt have any money and I hadnt eaten for 12 hours and I get sick if I dont eat.
Means to an end (By dropping a nuclear bomb to end the war, well end up saving lives)
Difficult to reason (Having been kicked out of his home and finding himself with no place to go, a teen acts without thinking. He breaks into an empty house to keep warm when he could have sought help elsewhere.)

4) Describe 2 practical ways in which Old and New Testament ethical teaching would positively influence a person who is faced with making a free, faithful and conscious moral decision. (Influences may include the Ten Commandments, Gods covenant, the Beatitudes and Jesus ethical teaching).

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