Psychology and Education

It is a creative experimental research just imagine that you are doing a research about does origami help to decrease stress? It is not a real research . it just for section 1+2+4
I got some feedback and I need to fix it . Here is the feedback:
i was looking at sample APA papers and i believe the Method should be bolded and centered than the Participants should be bolded to the left and then you begin to talk about the participants only. like how many males/females, their age, mental status, maybe SES status (because that can definitely effect our results) how we found them, ethnicity etc. you included the results and everything which i think go in a different section..

For the intro: Make sure Nova Southeastern University is capitalized. The significance of the problem in the counseling field is missing. For example- how can origami help individuals who are getting counseling or help the counseling career grow?

The purpose of the research was to measure the effectiveness of Origami as find out whether it is a viable stress reliever.” – change AS to AND

or the lit review: “The more precise definition as however, given by Soong (2001)…” – take AS out

also, you need to state how all this literature review helped make it possible for the group research to be conducted. for example: Error in certain research helped the group research be more aware to avoid same error/ ____ and ____ conducted research using people from a certain age and therefore this research was conducted with a different age/ only women were used in one study and now this research is using both sexes. Something along those lines

for program description: “The experimental research conducted was survey based whereby the population comprised of a population of Nova Southeastern University (NSU) students in all programs.”- in all GRADUATE programs

# of male to female is missing. Also, nationality/ maybe how many in each program/ race…

the program evaluation for section 4 is only to describe the sampling aspect of the research methodology. Whats the purpose of our sampling method. for example- Sometimes a study involves the entire population of interest, but more often it involves only a small portion of the students, employees, families, schools, communities, or other “units of analysis.” Why did we chose this pop

last thing- how does the researchers know they have an adequate sample size? What were the guidelines for this?

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