PowerPoint presentation

Many of you may have already created a PowerPoint presentation for one of your classes or perhaps your business endeavors. I think this is probably the easiest assignment of the bunch because you are simply adapting your major points and creating slides, if you will, to illustrate and highlight your ideas. This is the one Module in the course that I did not develop; it was left by the previous instructor. That said, on the Contents page are two good guides for developing good PowerPoint presentations. Feel free to look at templates online and talk to classmates. All my students in the various classes I teach always say, I have to do a PowerPoint presentation, and most all of them say this the the part of their assignments they can do in their sleep. Funny, but Im still old school, still developing handouts with a lot of detailed information, such as the one I developed for MLA formatting.Here is the assignment I would like to see from each of you:Create a PowerPoint presentation for the foundation or entity you are seeking to fund your project or business that you feel will best illustrate and punctuate your plan of action. You can develop this with graphics, statistics, anything you feel will drive your point home to the board to whom you are making your pitch.I am not putting a limit on this assignment in terms of the number of slides/pages because I want you to develop this in context with your particular project and in a way that is creative in conveying your message.That said, I dont want you to do three slides w a ton of data that will make a persons eyes cross. Remember, you are educating the board/entity about your project/charity, so you want to develop your points in a way that one can slowly digest your information and ponder the possibilities for funding. This should not take very long to do. Feel free to be creative and persuasive here. And as always ask any questions along the way

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