1- This paper is a part of Ph.D. research about the “Methodology” of the creative practice-based research project.
2 – The draft that I have uploaded for you uses it as a guide, so follow the structure and the content without copy any of it, that is why I requested to write from scratch, not editing.
3-This academic paper needs your experience as a professional writer to add your proficiency in the paper.
4 – Please write through high-level academic language and support the content by a good and strong argument.
5- Don’t change the content, just Support all information in this chapter with appropriate references, all references have to be easy access, I need to log in all references and see it available in open.
6- Reference is Chicago style footnotes, so any reference should be in a footnote.
7- This chapter is full of plagiarism as the majority copied from different research papers, so it needs your high writing skills to paraphrase it with keeping the same and exact content.
8- PBR acronym means Practice-Based research.
9- Any XXX means need to put expert, researcher or writer name.
10- write the chapter in the past tense as I will submit it as a finished project.
11- If you face any repeated information don’t take it off please, the repetition of the same information means it is important in its location but needs to paraphrase within the correct context.
12. After finishing the order fill the SWOT Analysis table by appropriate sentences on the light of what you have in the chapter, 4 to 5 sentences in each part.
13- Please, do your best in this paper, this is why I requested you specifically and pay extra for you.
14- please if you have any question ask me any time you want.