Marketing communication

Word Limit: 2,500 words

(excluding pictures, charts, graphs, diagrams, small tables, infographics, list of references and appendices; no executive summary needed)

YouGov publishes a list of The most famous brands in the UK. You can access the latest version of this by clicking on the link. You can use it as a form of inspiration for your choice.

Other brands may also be picked as long as the focus of the report is the UK and refers to marketing communications run by the chosen brand in the UK. Perhaps you are particularly fond of / attracted to an industry / sector: Choose one of the key players in it to focus your efforts.

Please investigate and critique the recent Paid, Owned and Earned Media (POEM) marketing communications performance of the brand you selected, focusing on some of its campaigns and platforms in the UK in order to produce an in-depth analysis of their practices.

Then identify a viable marketing communication objective and establish a rationale as to why the brand should move in that specific direction. The report should finally develop an initial set of suggestions for Paid Media (communications) directed at appropriate target segments.

In order to facilitate your writing, guidelines and specific criteria are provided below (further details will also be covered in a recorded brief and during live/synchronous classes, especially in Week 1):

Marking Criterion

Indicative Content


Background Reading

Provide extensive evidence of valid and reliable, academic and non-academic sources of data, information and knowledge (including concepts, theoretical frameworks and theory). Please reference according to the required Harvard standard/guidelines.



Introduce key empirical and theoretical elements to provide a short, yet focused background about the brands business environment. Please discuss briefly key/selected macro- and micro- factors, stakeholders (e.g. consumers, government) and competitors (benchmarking) to point out possible strategic marketing issues for the chosen brand.


Brand Communication & Performance

Present relevant recent and ongoing marketing communication campaigns together with their objectives and outcomes (if known). The analysis must be critical, i.e. give full-blown interpretations and explanations of the decision making based on a range of concepts, theoretical frameworks and theories e.g. communication models as per the syllabus. Please remember that visuals, e.g. pictures, screen grabs and URLs (for videos and interactive content) can be used to add detail.


Marketing Communication Objective (and Strategy)

Based on the analysis conducted in the previous two sections, single out a specific marketing communication objective around which a short, three-month campaign will be built also: dont forget that the objective has to be aligned with the overall direction of the brand. Then, define the objective using the SMART framework, i.e. both in qualitative and quantitative terms.


IMC Campaign

Outline an IMC campaign using Paid Media tactics and actions focusing on Advertising and Sponsorship (Week 5). First, introduce a three-month calendar re: breakdown of activities and associated timeline. Then detail out the main tactics and some of the actions (mechanics) involved in the delivery of the campaign itself. Please consider the aspect of integration, i.e. how different parts of the IMC campaign can work together to best effect. Also: The plan needs to be underpinned by a clear targeting strategy (primary and secondary targets segment) as well as a basic creative idea. In closing, considerations about limitations and barriers to the implementation of the campaign must be given.


Reporting Skills

Use appropriate formats and styles for the delivery of data, information and knowledge. Apply appropriate independent thinking as well as critical analysis for an undergraduate (level 5) module.



This breakdown is intended as a helping hand in order for you to allocate your resources to different areas, efficiently. Extensive research is expected, yet choices will have to be made so that the final report is balanced as per the afore-mentioned weightings.

When marking the UG Generic Rubric is going to be used. This is based on the following eight criteria: Addresses the question; Use of research and examples; Analysis and development of argument; Depth of knowledge and critical understanding; Originality; Structure; Presentation; and Research and bibliography.

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