Individual in Society

We live in a world full of challenges. In many places, people are experiencing rising unemployment, political violence, poverty, and looming ecological disasters, most of these problems created by or related to human activity. As individuals living in a free society, we are also free to pursue our private satisfactions independently of others. Yet we are embedded in a broader societal context that includes our family, our communities, and our nation – not to mention that it is common today to speak of an even wider global community. In addition to these challenges, consider how social media, new media technology and even automation are changing and shaping the world

Using fluent, academic arguments (meaning ideas argued from academic
sources with a creative, compelling, logical and an imaginative use of language) the following
In your opinion, what is the role of the individual in helping to solve some of the problems
mentioned in the paragraph above?
Are we more likely to solve the problems if we embrace a sense of common purpose and public spirit focused on the collective good? Or,
Should we focus on our private pursuits and a market mentality that says our consumption is what makes the world go round? Does your argument account for a differing points of view?
Is there a balance between what the individual is responsible for and what our role should be in the public sphere?
To place the topic of this presentation into broader historical, political, and/or social context,
search for three academic sources (e.g. books, peer-reviewed journal articles) and reference those sources in your analysis of the individuals role in society.
Your presentation should be organized in a manner that allows the reader to follow the logical progression of your arguments, your ideas are well developed, and they follow a coherent pattern from introduction (thesis), through the body of the presentation, to the conclusion.

Writing assignment must be in proper APA format and will include references. You should include a minimum of 3 sources, and your sources will be credible academic sources (no Wikipedia, Ezine articles, Cliff Notes, or random stuff from the Web). In other words, you will have to either visit a brick and mortar public/university library or use Brandmans Leatherby Libraries website to find relevant articles that address the role of the individual in society and provide details regarding whether or not the assignment question presents a valid picture of our world by asserting or disputing that, in many places people are experiencing rising unemployment, political violence, poverty, and looming ecological disasters related to all the other issues mentioned on this short list of problems.

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