In-Depth of a Selected Internet Governance Body

Prepare a written report that addresses at least the following questions regarding the IAB (Internet Architecture Board):

Its mission? Whom does it serve? When was it created?
Address why you selected this body to study.
To whom does it report?
Description of the body / URLs (web addresses) of primary web resources.
Who serves as leaders on this body? How are they selected?
Summary of recent activities and/or decisions over the last 2-5 years. (Note: this summary should include any articles, press releases, etc. that you find conducting this research. Don’t forget to cite your sources!)
Descriptions of controversies or other known challenges related to this body that you might come across in your research.
A description (can be in the form of examples) of actions or activities as a by-product of this body that affect everyday users of the internet.
Your perceptions of the effectiveness and value of this governing body. 

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