Group Project: Message Health Communication Final

So far in class we have discussed some basic introduction to a few concepts pertaining to health communication. For this activity, we would like students to think of the messages you have reviewed in your first couple message analysis, as well as the ones we have reviewed in during class.

For this part of the glass project, students will make their own while applying ideas and concepts from class. You and your group will develop a mock message to address COVID-19 vaccination for UCM students.

You may use programs such as Word, Illustrator, Publisher, Powerpoint to make your own mock health communication message (OFFICE 365 is free for students, visit to an external site.).

Based on our previous work, we as a class decided that our campaign goal was the following:

In order to help UCM students aged 18-24 to get COVID-19 vaccination we will focus on the benefit of increasing comfort (not having to wear mask). We will approach this through  changing attitude towards risk and we will use social media outlets (e.g. Instagram/tiktok) to deliver a health communication.

Please answer the following questions in bullet format in regards to the message you will work on with your group:

What is the message you wanted to get to the target audience.
What health behavior model/ theory did you employ in your message?
Was your message aimed at Doers or Non-doers?
Does your message follow gain-frame or loss-frame?

You will not be graded on artistic ability. I will be looking for completion of the question and incorporation of the concepts we have discussed in class in your answers.

Social media image type

Dimensions in pixels

Instagram Post

1080 x 1080 (1:1 ratio)

You will submit the answers to these questions along a copy of your message (jpeg, png, pdf formats are acceptable) on Catcourse.

If you have any questions regarding this assignment, please contact the Dr. A for clarification.

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