Your final paper submission will be 6 – 8 pages, double-spaced, and 12-pt font; this will comprise the previous four sections, with the addition of Introduction and Conclusion sections. You should revise your previous sections, as necessary based on any instructor feedback for those assignments. (Note: your grade for those sections will not be revised.)
The expectation is that this paper bewell-written, clearly present sincere self-reflection and clarity of thought, and befree of errors in grammar and punctuation. If needed, you should review an established Style Manual to ensure proper citation formatting is followed. Also, the USAWriting Centercan assist and guide you, as well.
Please do not take this assignment lightly. Your submission(s) should clearly reflect the sincere intent of this assignment and as such, your grade will reflect your discernable level of effort; in other words, do not submit a quickly written paper the night before its due.