Eurozone macroeconomic situation

Section 1. Eurozone macroeconomic
– Include charts with the following indicators
during 2010-2020:
– Total Real GDP
– Real GDP growth rate
– Inflation rate
– Unemployment rate
– Trade Balance (Exports – Imports)

Section 2. Effect of the covid crisis on
the Eurozone economy
– Analyzing the previous indicators, explain how the crisis has affected the Eurozone economies.
Section 3. Eurozone macroeconomic
– In the Eurozone, which institution oversees monetary policy, and which one controls fiscal policy?
– Explain in detail how one of these policies (fiscal or monetary) operate in theory.
– Then provide information on both fiscal and monetary policies that are
being (or are planned to be) implemented by Eurozone officials as a response to the coronavirus crisis to prevent a fall in the aggregate demand.

– Section 4. Conclusions
– Is the Eurozone well prepared to offset the negative impact of the covid crisis?

This task assesses the following outcomes:
Understand the forces determining
macroeconomic variables such as
national output, inflation, unemployment,
and interest rates.
Apply macroeconomic terminology and
assess macroeconomic policy
Evaluate real life situations with a
practical application of the acquired tools
and knowledge.

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