
Review Chapter 5: Subsistence and complete the following steps. Remember that your grade is determined by responses being complete, thorough, and insightful/reflective. You should support all of your answers with specific examples of your observations during your fieldwork.

Review all of your field notes to date for your observations about subsistence.
Describe the various subsistence practices of the Hamar (e.g. gardening, herding, foraging, market purchases, food storage, food security, etc.)
You might also describe consumption of resources, standard of living, the workforce, their engagement with the global marketplace, etc.
Be sure to define and incorporate key terms from the chapter.
Compare and contrast their practices with those of your “native” cultural group.  How are they similar?  How are they different?
Make sure that your essay is formatted in Chicago Style with a cover page. Unless you choose to include information from a published source, there is no need to use in-text citations or references in your essay.

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