Essay on Integration

Write an essay to discuss the rationale for integrating all developmental domains within a curriculum unit. Explain how multiple domains (e.g. cognitive, physical, social & emotional) are integrated into lesson plans and why integration could strength the curriculum content (e.g. math, science, literacy) of the lesson plan.

Assignment guiding questions:
1.    What are the definitions of curriculum integration? (You can list multiple definitions in your report.) How do these definitions mean to you?
2.        What are the rationales for integrating all developmental domains within a curriculum unit? How is this approach different from teaching via subject areas?
3.    How do multiple domains (e.g. cognitive, physical, social & emotional) integrate into your lesson plans? Give some examples.
4.    Why does integration could strength the curriculum content (e.g. math, science, literacy) of the lesson plan?
5.    What are anticipated challenges on implementing an integrated curriculum? What are the ways to overcome these challenges?
6.    What is your conclusion from your research?

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