Economic Policy Essay

Directions: You will write a 2-4 page essay (700-1200 words) regarding an actual U.S. recession and compare it to a hypothetical economic problem. You will address the following in your essay. Each bullet point should be 1-2 paragraphs.
Research the Great Recession of 2008-2009 and briefly summarize the causes and policy responses.
Define and describe the economic measurements in Data Sets 1 and 2 (Great Recession) and explain how they are used to assess the performance of the economy.
Analyze the data for the Great Recession and explain the key data that indicates a recession. Use specific data points and years to clarify your analysis. Calculate the missing inflation rates in Data Set 2 and integrate the rates into this portion of the essay.
Define and describe the economic measurements in Data Sets 3 (Great Recession) and explain how they are related to the economic policies that were implemented to minimize the severity of the recession. Be specific when discussing the monetary and fiscal policies that were used.
Compare the Great Recession of 2008-2009 to the Hypothetical Data for the Future U.S. Remember to use specific data points to clarify your analysis.
o How is the problem different?
o How are the policies to correct the problem different?
o Discuss the short run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.

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