Discussion on “Jacob’s Room” by Virginia Woolf, focusing on one topic

I’m a Japanese student who major in English, so please use simple words and sentences in the essay.  You can choose any topic if you focus on one topic. Don’t include summary of the book and Woolf’s biography in this essay.

topic example

Contrast between life and death
Alienation, grief, lonliness
description of scene, such as weather, nature, town
relation between writers and philosophers in the text with context and story

Examine the symbolism of the room, as expressed in the descriptions of Jacobs various rooms.

Relate the characters and events of the story to those in Virginia Woolfs life.

Explore the scene of the moth hunt; explain the symbolism of the moth.

Study the way Jacob himself is portrayed. What is the effect of keeping so much about his thought and feeling a mystery?

Attached file is the summary of  the first half of Jacob’s room I wroted few months ago. 
I usually write such sinple sentences, so please adapt the vocabulary level in the essay to my  summary.

This essay don’t need citation from books, jounals and articles but from “Jacob’s Room”.

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