Discuss your personal beliefs regarding health and illness.
Explain how your beliefs fit into the three major classifications of health belief models.
Propose 4 strategies that would be helpful in planning care for elders from different cultural/ethnic backgrounds.
3 major classifications-
1. Western (biomedical) Invasion of germs or genetic mutation identified as a disease
Objective identification of pathogen or process
May include consultation with a health practitioner identified as a specialist in the subcategory of disease (e.g., oncologist)
Remove or destroy invading organism; repairing, modifying, or removing affected body part. Avoidance of pathogens, chemicals, activities, and dietary agents known to cause abnormalities Absence of disease
2. Personalistic (magicoreligious)
The actions of the supernatural, such as gods, deities, or nonhuman beings (e.g., ghosts, or spirits)
A punishment for a breach of rules, breaking a taboo, or displeasing or failing to please the source of power
Consultation with a health practitioner associate specializing in the particular subcategory of practice (e.g., minister, curandero) Religious practices, such as praying, meditating, fasting, wearing amulets, burning candles, and laying of the hands
Making sure that social networks with their fellow humans are in good working order. Avoid angering family, friends, neighbors, ancestors, and gods. A blessing or reward of God
3. Naturalistic (holistic)
Physical, psychological, or spiritual imbalance resulting in disharmony Consultation with a health practitioner specializing in the specific subcategory of practice (e.g., Chinese physician, herbalist) Dependent on the particular type of submodel (e.g., hot/cold practices of treating a hot illness with a cold treatment) Life practices that maintain balance Balance (e.g., the right amount of exercise, food, sleep)