
The responses must have LOTS OF EXPLANATION AND DETAIL. Thoroughly respond to all aspects of the questions so that it’s clear so that all of your views have been thoroughly provided. Elaborate more, add more information, and write in complete sentence form, using correct grammar, make sure to proofread, support your position, check the punctuations in the paragraph response and fully explain answers

I believe workplace diversity is important to a companys culture, and performance is due to the difference in change happening around the world that shows how a company has embraced for the next generation of people and the race aspect is the key.  For instance, where I work my employer is fostering a culture of being in the top 100 companies to work for and they are showcasing all the different ethnicity of cultures working for them and how they are building awareness around all of us working together for the good of the company and the employee.  Like for example, I am African American and I am a part of a growing initiative of peers to come together quarterly to discuss what we can offer and what we can learn and receive from all.  There are also groups for Asian, Latin and the LGBT as well.  My company has built programs to allow the new young talent options to build their careers to learn every facet possible to be in front of the global client in the world of insurance; and employees like myself that have been around over 20 years plus are now being given the same options of growing our talents and skills although different, but still allowing us rich opportunities to continue our careers prior to us retiring.  I do believe that my company is engaged in deep-level diversity as they allow strong personalities of talent to lead by not just an educational stance, but from a skill based level as well.  I have been employed with my company for 20 years, and I did not have my college degree before coming to work for this company.  I am now finishing my college degree in my 50s and at a company Ive worked with for many years, due to the opportunities that they are offering to all employees to further their careers and desires.

Part 1: Post a Response
Think of your current or previous employer, and describe two (2) different types of control systems they had in place. In your opinion, were they the right ones? Why or why not?

Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections:
Bonus respond to a peer week 9 part 2
One control system McDonald’s had was to double count the deposits at the end of each shift. The manager in charge of the shift would count each drawer, along with the safe and backup cash twice using the computer system in place. This then had to be signed off on by the manager doing the counting as well as another manager on the premises who recounted the end amount. This system was to ensure that the cash going into the system and to the bank was correct and left a minimal chance for a miscount that would fall back on the manager responsible for the initial count. At the time I found this to be tedious and unnecessary but as I’ve held other jobs I have come to realize that this was actually a very smart practice to use. Another system we had in place was to keep the receipts and signatures of those counting the safe at the beginning and end of their shifts. This was to ensure that the safe amount was correct with change and bills going in and out throughout the shift and to narrow down the place the cash may have gone missing by recounting at the end of shift. For example, a manager that once worked there counted their safe at 11 am, recounted at 4 pm and when the next manager took over at 4 pm and counted their safe, there was money missing that otherwise wouldn’t have been noticed until the overnight cash check at the close. It feels irrelevant and wasteful of time in the midst of a busy workday but its a great way to cover employees for a simple miscounting mistake or the unfortunate times when someone takes it upon themselves to steal.

Part 1: Post a Response
Watch the video How to align the organizational structure with the work processes, found at http://www.organizationdesign.net/how-to-align-the-organizational-structure-with-the-work-processes-video-3-of-5.html. Now, imagine you were running an organization. Briefly describe the type of structure your organization would have (either functional or divisional) and how your organization would be effective in accomplishing their organizations goals. What do you think would be some advantages and disadvantages of your chosen structure, and how would you address those disadvantages?

Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.
If I were to choose an organizational structure, I would choose divisionally. With the divisional structure, there is the ability for more communication and feedback from each part of the group, as opposed to a functional structure that would limit the communication between groups such as production and internet sales or finance and marketing. The need to go up a chain of multiple people excludes the ability to see the first-hand crossover and being able to make changes that are immediately needed.

The responses must have LOTS OF EXPLANATION AND DETAIL. Thoroughly respond to all aspects of the questions so that it’s clear so that all of your views have been thoroughly provided. Elaborate more, add more information, and write in complete sentence form, using correct grammar, make sure to proofread, support your position, check the punctuations in the paragraph response and fully explain answers

I chose a topic on the Gun Debate. I felt is had some Loaded language in it. Examples:
In the article, they talk about how the polling of “gun control” and the citizens being against gun control for that it has people only see the control part of it all. Where the NRA wants to protect our 2nd Amendment. Where when they change it with new polling for “violence prevention”. The polling went up due to everyone can get on board with having less violence.
When just change the phase to seem more understand an emotion that everyone can get behind to protect the country. Compared to someone saying control and people only see that one word and it raises all types of red flags.

Shapiro, Ari. Loaded Words: How Language Shapes The Gun Debate. NPR, NPR, 26 Feb. 2013, www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2013/02/26/172882077/loaded-words-how-language-shapes-the-gun-debate.

“Take a Look at Ethics Around You:”
Medicine now faces the same challenge that any other business faces: weighing the ethics of the corporation against the ethics of fair treatment of the individual.

What ethical situations have you faced, or choices have you made in your academic studies or professional endeavors? What ethical situations do you face every day? Include specific examples to illustrate your points.
Then comment on one other student’s post and solution.

Reflect on the Process
Throughout this term, weve strived to expand your personal thought processes using critical thinking skills. Using the week 10 sections of the WebText as your guide, what is your plan on altering your approach to critical thinking/reasoning and problem solving in the future?
If you could select one (1) aspect that you encountered over this term, what would you tell a future PHI210 student is the most important aspect of this course? Explain why you select that aspect of the course?

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