Discovering America

In this research paper I need to make my own argument about some aspects of American identity or the American experience, this can be reorganizing information from the essays that I previously wrote for this class ( which is gonna be the essay that you are currently working on it). You do not have to cite this essay and you may lift passages verbatim if they fit cohesively with your new essays prose. The title of this research paper is “Discovering America”.  Also in this semester, we watched some survey of American medianews, politics, novels, speeches, activist accounts, documentaries, interviews, TED talks, manifestos, short storiesreveals individuals from all religions, socioeconomic groups, ethnic backgrounds, and national origins anxious to report on their American experience. ( I’ll attached most of the articles that I had in the class which you can use them in the paper). These experiences show an Americaor, rather, Americasthat are diverse, complicated, contradictory, wonderful, and terrifying.  Americas inhabitants make grand pronouncements, like President Reagans, and call America to account, as James Baldwin does.  In describing and envisioning their America, the authors we have seen do not just put forth simple proposals.  They also engage with fundamental questions regarding American identity and ask us to consider a more nuanced and less bumper-sticker-friendly definition of American values.
* In this research paper, make your own argument, as these authors do, about some aspects of American identity or the American experience.  You may focus on positive and/or less positive characteristics, you may measure known American ideals against real American struggles, you may fold together related issues, such as economics and education; incarceration, drug addiction, and homelessness; slavery, structural racism, and affirmative action; or many other combinations of American issues.

1.At least 1 text used from the article that I attached.
2.At least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles found through independent research.
3.At least 1 additional textual (written) source (of any kind) found through independent research.
4.At least 1 non-textual source (video, interview, music, documentary, TED talk) found through independent research

You are not limited in your scope or your focus.  Only please, remember the following:

Do not rely on clichs like an over-emphasis on trite phrases like melting pot or American Dream.
Present complex and nuanced ideas; let them evolve and gain in significance as your essay develops.
Be sure your essay is cohesive and coherent; it should not feel like a piecemeal approach but rather a blending of related ideas.
Organize your essay by IDEAS, not by source.  You should not simply summarize many sources.  Make them talk to each other.  Let your initial idea gain in complexity as your essay develops.  Your conclusion should not merely restate your introduction.  You have 10 pagesexplore many related ideas.
Analyze and interrogate your sources; dont just report on them.
Write something that matters and that interests you and your reader

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