
Expectations for Essay 4:

You should have a Works Cited page which includes all of your sources (follow MLA guidelines as can be found at OWL at Purdue  (Links to an external site.))
Your essay must refer to a minimum of three secondary sources, ALL of which must be scholarly sources. Also, your primary text (even if it is more than work of literature) can not count toward one of your three sources although you must still list it.
– Your essay must prove your thesis through an appropriate use of summaries, quotes, and paraphrases from both your primary and secondary sources.
Essays that do not contain textual evidence in the form of summaries, quotes, and paraphrases will not receive a passing grade.
Your quotes and paraphrases must be cited in MLA parenthetical style.
– Your essay must begin with a fully-developed introduction that includes an original thesis about your cultural topic.
– Your essay must end with a fully developed conclusion.
Your essay must contain a final Works Cited page written in MLA style.
– Well-written essays that use scholarly sources exclusively will receive grades of A or B; essays that rely more heavily on popular, non-scholarly media such as encyclopedias, websites and media reviews when scholarly sources are available will receive grades of C and below.

Format Requirements:

This essay should be 6-9 paragraphs in length (5-8 sentenced per paragraph)
– Typed with1 inch margins, Double Spaced, Times New Roman/Calibri size 12 font, and left justified
– Parenthetical citations and Works Cited page must follow MLA style (see Owl at Purdue link above)
– Follow all other Essay Format expectations we discussed at the beginning of the semester.
Proofread carefully.

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