this task/paper, was done and completed by a scholar in this website, when i submitted it, my professor said that there is a part that needs to be revised.

NOTE: I requested the same scholar that worked on it, so please others, do not waste ur time and bid, cuz i will only assign the writer that worked on it previously to avoid confusion.

My professor said (((((it was perfect, but he said that part C1 needs revision, therefore, parts C2, C3, D1, D2, D3 need to be revised as well, cuz they rely on C1. If C1 needs to be revised, then the rest cannot be assessed because they rely on part C1. ))))))

Therefore, I will be uploading a doc named “Professor Comment”, please read it carefully, so that you can revise whatever needs to be revised. plz make certain u do exactly as my professor comment and feedback. Anyways, I will also be providing u with a doc called “paper TASK 2”, that is basically the paper u worked on dear scholar.

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