Damaged and Aging Tissues

    Pick a type of tissue as the focus of your written discussion.
o    For example, connective tissue consists of bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, and others. Pick one of the types of connective tissue rather than the entire group.
o    Try to pick a type unique from your peers.
    Discuss changes that can occur to this tissue type from damage to the tissue or aging of the tissue. Be specific with the changes that could occur and explain any mechanisms involved with damage or aging of the tissue.
    Discuss the outcomes of damage or aging of this type of tissue. Does regeneration or repair of this tissue normally occur? Why or Why not? Relate your thought on this to the tissues characteristics.
    Based on what you know of this tissue type predict if the integrity of the tissue will be maintained after the damage or aging of the tissue? Be specific and explain your position.
    Discuss how the tissue damage or aging could affect the function of an organ, how it will affect the function of the organ system and how it will affect the function of the entire human body. Be specific in how it affects these higher levels of organization.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

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