Consciousness lies within the brain

Expository Essay
This paper will serve as a factual repository of information that will later be used to help write your research paper.  Let me explain that  There will be research involvedyou will compile evidence to help you develop and make your point which will later be used for your research paper.  In essence, you are exploring a topic to develop a strong stance/point of view.  By finding relative support through research, which will effectively demonstrate a cogent, working knowledge of the issue from multiple points of view, you will come to an educated position on your chosen topic. Think of this paper as the first part of your research paper. Gathering evidence, analyzing that evidence, and using that evidence to support your thesis.
Introduction that ends with a thesis statement (3rd person perspective)
Body Paragraphs give a balanced representation of the major sides of the issue. (3-4 paragraphs. At least 1 paragraph should discuss the opposition to your claim!) (3rd person perspective)
Bridging/Transitional Paragraphs: after each body paragraph, write a brief paragraph (3-4 sentences at most) that explains why the information is important, how it connects to your thesis, and how it influenced you. (1st person perspective)
Reflective Paragraph as a conclusion. (This paragraph will also include the thesis statement you intend to use for your research paper. It may be the same, or similar to the thesis in your introductory paragraph, but it should be informed by the research you did. This means, if you changed your mind after doing research on the topic you chose, your thesis will be different to reflect that change of mind/opinion. (1st person perspective)

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