Choose the topic might be example challenges of food safety but you have to read the answer of the instructor and be more precise about the topic

nd the answer to your question is: definitely YES! The topic of food safety is really interesting and also very important.

But I think you will need to make it more precise, will you look at food safety in one specific country? One specific industry area, like food safety and street food/fast food/restaurants? Or maybe more in the production? Agriculture? You see, the topic of food safety is HUUUUUGE, you would have there enough material for a Master dissertation, despite our small report.

Think a little bit about further refining of your topic, into which are you would like to go. And try to formulate the Business Challenge, in a similar ways as we did it in the exercise in class, with the movie industry. We decided to analyse the Business Challenge of the decreasing profitability in the movies industry. So try to formulate what could be the business challenge for your project.

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