CHE Final Project

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I. Client Analysis: In this part of the summative assessment, you will analyze the information you have been provided regarding your assigned individual.
You will review the overall health status of the individual throughout his or her life span, key factors that have influenced his or her health status, and
the national guidelines for like individuals. The audience for this section is not necessarily your client; instead, it should set the stage for your
professional recommendations.
A. Describe the overall health and wellness status of your assigned individual based on materials from the course and your previous analysis. What
condition (health, social, emotional, etc.) was the individual in when the course began? What condition is he or she in now?
B. Analyze the health status of your assigned individual for different key factors that may have contributed to his or her current health condition.
For example, what risk factors are typically associated with the health condition of the assigned individual?
C. Explain the national guidelines regarding health status of an individual similar to your chosen individual. What do the national guidelines (such
as, but not limited to, those published by the Centers for Disease Control [CDC], Medicare, and the National Institutes of Health [NIH]) state
about the specific condition, and why will these guidelines work or not work for your client?
II. Wellness Recommendations: In this part of the summative assessment, you will base wellness recommendations for the client on your previous analysis
of his or her health status. Be sure to consider how to help the individual improve quality of life and help manage his or her chronic disease. The
audience for this section is not necessarily your client, but should be written professionally with citations where appropriate to support the best
practices and theories used to make your recommendations.
A. Describe the traditional medical approach that was initially recommended for the client and explain why that approach has been ineffective in
managing the clients chronic disease. What factors may have contributed to the ineffectiveness of this approach?
B. Determine if a complementary alternative medicine (CAM) approach could be implemented in order to more effectively manage the clients
chronic disease and improve his or her quality of life. Be sure to explain why this would or would not be recommended. What would be the
benefits or drawbacks of applying a CAM approach to this specific chronic disease? Consider the many different CAM approaches that may apply
to the situation.
C. Determine if lifestyle modifications could be implemented in order to more effectively manage the clients chronic disease and improve his or
her quality of life. Be sure to explain why this would or would not be recommended. What are some changes, both small and large, that the
individual could make to improve his or her chronic disease?
D. Recommend wellness strategies informed by best practices for addressing wellness issues of the assigned individual. Be sure to incorporate
CAM approaches and lifestyle modifications if appropriate. What accepted wellness strategies could you recommend for your individual? How
would you adapt the wellness strategies to better fit the needs of your individual?
E. Use the provided Plan of Action template to develop a plan of action for your specific individual to implement these strategies and achieve
optimal health, justifying response. Be sure to consider both how the individual needs to manage his or her chronic disease and how he or she
can best address wellness issues.
F. Explain how your recommendations will not only help the individual manage his or her chronic disease, and improve quality of life in the
present, but also in the future. Be sure to justify your response.
III. Presentation: In this part of the summative assessment, you will develop a slideshow presentation to your client explaining the benefits and challenges
that they would have to consider when making decisions about your recommendations.
A. Communicate the benefits of your health and wellness recommendations. Be sure to communicate appropriately with your assigned individual.
B. Articulate the challenges of your health and wellness recommendations. Be sure to communicate appropriately with your assigned individual.
C. Communicate how your recommendations will be more effective than other options. You can convey this information visually as well as through
your writing. Be sure to provide examples to support your response. Why should the individual choose your path as opposed to others?

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