Definitions and Theories of Happiness.

Unit 1:  Definitions and Theories of Happiness.For this unit we are watching three of the most famous movies to deal with the pursuit of happiness.  One of them was the basis for the creation of this course.  They are films that people watch again and again and never tire of.  While they were filmed in different decades, they continue to have relevance for us today in...
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Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development

Literature review on topic, Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development- understanding how each stage relates to you, friends, family, patients, and the nursing field:1.    Stage One - Trust vs Mistrust2.    Stage Two - Autonomy vs. Shame3.    Stage Three - Initiative vs. Guilt4.    Stage Four - Industry vs....
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sociobiography(Examining political differences)

Your first sociobiography will be written about a person with whom you disagree politically.Step 1Pick a person in your life who you know has distinctly different political views from your own. This should be a person that you know. Explain how you know this person and give the reader some sense of the context of your relationship. Please assign a pseudonym to this person and use the pseudonym...
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The final part of this class considers mixing research methods, evaluative research, participatory action research, and meta-analysis.  These are approaches to data collection and knowledge generation that cannot neatly fit into the two main branches of research that are quantitative and qualitative approaches.  1) Mixed methods are becoming increasingly popular.  What are the pros...
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Plastic surgery addicts

Please use this Resources plus 2 more:Reghunathan, Meera, Parmeshwar, Nisha, Gallus, Katerina M, & Gosman, Amanda A. (2020). Diversity in Plastic Surgery: Trends in Female Representation at Plastic Surgery Meetings. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 84(5S Suppl 4), S278-S282.Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, issuing body. (2018). Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery
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Sex Trafficking

Resources:Boyce, Sabrina C, Brouwer, Kimberly C, Triplett, Daniel, Servin, Argentina E, Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos, and Silverman, Jay G. 2018. Childhood Experiences of Sexual Violence, Pregnancy, and Marriage Associated With Child Sex Trafficking Among Female Sex Workers in Two US-Mexico Border Cities. American Journal of Public Health (1971) 108(8):104954. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304455.OBrien,...
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Newspaper Article Analysis Paper

USE THIS ARTICLE: Answer to ALL Questions below (3 page total)Include the title of the article, author, date published, newspaper, and html address of     the article if accessed on-line.b. Include a one-page summary of the article detailing:a.    The question/issue that the author is addressing and/or investigatingb.    The method/evidence that the author...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Sociological Journal                the Sociological Journal offers students the opportunity to write about connections between their own lives (including our larger social world) and sociological concepts interrogated in class. Students will write a total of THREE responses to the prompts below. Please address the entire prompt and make sure to thoroughly...
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Theoretical Essay on Conversion to Latin American Protestantism and the Case for Religious Motivation

This is to be done in question and answer formatThis question relates to the article, Conversion to Latin American Protestantism and the Case for Religious Motivation.Part A.  How did the authors define deprivation theory as applied to religious conversion?Part B.  What sources of data did they use to test deprivation theory?Part C.  Did the analysis of the data support or reject...
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InstructionsStep 1: Choosing your current eventStep 1: Choosing a topic A current event refers to something that is happening in the world at present and they are usually described on the news and in mass media. I would like you to choose a media-based report of some current event that took place within the past year in the US.These past couple of years have been a wild ride for society, and weve...
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