Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose two works to analyze. The works must be connected in some way to the material covered in Unit 2, whether it be the same work of art, the same time period, same artist, same style, etc. Describe the work. Make the connection to the course content clear, using terms learned in class. You might find it helpful to put those terms in bold. Include photos the works you chose.Include basic...
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Describe a problem in any society and make recommendations “you” can take

This ESSAY objective is to describe a problem in any society and make recommendations "you" can take to make positive outcomes effecting that issue.  Half the paper is defining the problem and half is to makes specific recommendations that can achieve positive results affecting that issue.  No references required for this assignment.  Paragraph format is required, an appropriate...
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Impacts of COVID-19 on Small Business

After reviewing the material on the Literature Review posted above, please return to your annotated bibliography, or your last assignment, and begin developing "categories" to help you to organize your sources. Post one category below and list several sources that might fill that category. Remember that some sources may fall into more than one category
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Effects of COVID 19 on Businesses

All articles are attached. Instructions below. Comments from four Source Document:It is well structured and developed throughout. The one item is that as you move ahead into the next essay to better integrate sources around the themes or categories you are developingSummary of assignment Task: The six-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of six sources Length: Minimum of 1300 words....
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If races dont exist, why are forensic anthropologists so good at identifying them?

Write an argumentative essay about race classifications in forensic anthropology. How do physical and forensic anthropologists go about classifying race in human remains? How is racial classification relevant to physical and forensic anthropology? Why do physical and forensic anthropologists need to classify human remains according to race? Is race even an accepted term in the field? Why or why...
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strategic intelligence

the student is required to design a case study on a topic relevant to this course. The syllabus and weekly lessons offer the following list of topics that you can use to generate topic ideas. Below is the list of approved topic ideas: Overview & Structure of the National Intelligence Organizations The Intelligence Cycle History of the Intelligence Community Intelligence Oversight Law and...
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House of Terror–Hungary

My attraction was HOUSE OF TERROR- Hungary which is the topic Please use template given to complete assignment. First page of my name and University info,  please leave blank for me to fill out .It should meet the criteria of:The research paper will include:                Section 1: AbstractSection 1: NameofAttraction OverviewDescription and...
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Why is democracy so elusive in the Middle East?

The essay should be 6 7 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, with 1 inchmargins.DO NOT use casual language (e.g., contractions), prose, cute metaphors, or generalities. DO NOT useunsubstantiated claims (e.g., claims without citations). DO NOT use long quotes.DO use subtitles and paginate. Always cite other peoples ideas, even when you paraphrase them. Anyplagiarism or academic...
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