A4 – Cyber – Security Risks in the Cloud

 Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (350-500 words). Once again, it is essential that you use your own words (do not just copy and paste from the...
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Discussion forum on chapter readings

Required Textbook:Arun, J. S., Cuomo, J., & Gaur, N. (2019). Blockchain for Business. New York: Pearson Addison-Wesley. 1. How can blockchain increase human resource management efficiencies? 2. How and why is blockchain a disruptive technology in human resource management?You are required to cite this weeks assigned readings in your paper. (see the attachment)Tapscott, D., &...
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 Question 1:  What does Lee mean by the term, "Triple-A Supply Chains?" Explain Lee's use of this concept to explain how supply chains can give companies a sustainable competitive advantage.What are the forces that prompt or cause movement along the Triple-A Supply Chain?Do you have any personal experience with these forces operating in the Triple-A arena, either with your firm or...
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Business Operations

Company Name: Uptown SwirlOperations:Describe the day-to-day operation/functions of Uptown Swirl. The response must be detailed and answer the primary question and subpart of the primary question.  Write clearly, concisely, use proper grammar and writing mechanics. You must use APA format and cite (3) references. Additional details for this essay are attached.How will Uptown Swirl...
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Organizational Leadership

 The culture analysis table outlines the top three (3) cultural issues for a company.Organizational Culture IssuePoor Communication: Too much "red tape" for reporting concerns, which can slow down and reduce communication effectiveness Inconsistent messaging among staff Problems take too long to resolveEthics and Leadership Integrity: Inconsistent financial reports in circulation Leadership...
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Project Proposal

  There will be more parts to this project.Project should be about launching a fitness program for the workplace which will take place onsite.Throughout this course, you will work in each unit to build a project plan. Eventually, you will begin creating components that will cumulatively make up your final project plan. The outline below represents how your final project plan should...
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  1. Explain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue.2. 2. Is the price elasticity of gasoline more elastic over a shorter or a longer period of time? Explain.3. 3. Determine whether each of the following is an explicit cost or an implicit cost:  a) Payments for rented manufacturing equipment b) A firms use of a warehouse that it owns and...
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