Caring and Communicating with Technology

Prompt: (read and understand please) this is critical in writing this paper!!

Through the many changes in healthcare, technology has made exponential changes in the way care is delivered and received.  Reflect upon the current state of technology as it impacts patient care, coordination, and quality as proposed by QSEN and TJC.  Choose a patient from this week’s scenario to identify and discuss a technology-based strategy that can help to support  a seamless  transition and improve healthcare quality and safety.  Additionally.  discuss  how  technology has impacted workflow and your own professional role development. Be sure to include at least 2 current references.


You are an RN working 7 AM to 3 PM on a 40 bed Geriatric Unit in an urban hospital.  The unit 7A to 3P staff consists of a nurse manager, 7 RNs, 5 PCTs (Patient Care Technicians), and a unit secretary.  A geriatric nurse practitioner is assigned to this unit and the Geriatric clinic.  Interns and residents make rounds and are available by page of on call. 

You arrive and receive the following information in a report from the night nurse regarding your assignment:


Admitting Dx:  Abd pain, cholecystitis
Past History:  High cholesterol, HTN, obesity, gastric bypass
IV Saline Lock, IVPB Antibiotics
Lap cholecystectomy yesterday
Bowel sounds hypoactive X4 1 soft BM yesterday AM
Vital Signs stable
Morphine 2mg IVP q6H PRN pain, recent dose at 0600
Lives with sister, still sings at a retirement pub occasionally, no medical insurance

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