business social responsibility

Part one: review your industry and your stakeholder role. What were the main issues from your perspective and the government interventions you thought would best serve your stakeholder interests? What did your team decide were the key interests and proposals? How were they the same or different? (4 points)

Part one for facilitators/scribes: looking holistically at your industry and the different stakeholders on your team, what did you think were the main issues and government interventions? What did your team decide were the key interests and proposals? How were they the same or different from what you thought?

Part two: think about the other industry teams. Of all the teams, which did you think had the most compelling recommendations? Which surprised you and presented information and perspectives you hadn’t thought about before? (3 points)

Part three: process evaluation. How was the experience for you? What worked well for your team and what was challenging? If I offer this exercise in a future class, how could I change it to be more successful? (2 points)

In your final paper, be sure, in Part 1, to explain what YOU saw as the key CSR/ethics issues in your industry sector, from the perspective of your stakeholder role. Don’t start with what the team ended up presenting. Start with your individual research on your industry and what the key issues are from your viewpoint. If you have data or other evidence to explain why you think an issue is particularly important, that would be good to include. Only after you demonstrate that you understand your industry and your stakeholder role, then talk about how your input contributed to what the team decided to focus on.

In Part 2, it would be good to mention more than one other team’s presentation.

Professor review notes:
I was confused when you referred to “the corporation” whether you meant the hospital or the insurance company. As I asked during class, I wondered why you picked health information privacy as a key issue. The response you gave was an issue in 1995, a long time ago. Is this an issue today, now?

You talked about “popularizing” patient information. I don’t know what that means. You also recommended that the government make regulations about patient information. Did you read about HIPAA? From, ” … there is a federal law that sets rules for health care providers and health insurance companies about who can look at and receive our health information. This law, called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), gives you rights over your health information, including the right to get a copy of your information, make sure it is correct, and know who has seen it.”

In terms of compensation, you referred to doctors and nurses. I think the work issues are very different for the two groups – doctors have a lot more control over their income and working conditions. I didn’t hear anything about other health care workers – aides and technicians, for example.

You mention pensions but gave no data on why this is an important issue – do you know if hospitals provide pensions?

There was also no mention of pharmaceuticals – I would have thought drug prices would be a big issue, either on its own or as part of overall costs of health care. You had a slide on disagreements that mentions high medical expenses, but the narration of that slide just talked about what is happening now without explaining what the disagreements were or whether government interventions could help.

I’m glad you included a slide on process and one on achievements. I’m not sure I understood the substance you intended to communicate there.

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