Business Plan Design

What are the primary components of a business plan and why are they important?

You will work individually to research and compose a 1,500 word, A.P.A. format, double-spaced paper on the assigned topic, citing at least 3 sources annotated using A. P. A. cited references. The opportunity for feedback, questions, and specific guidance will be available with the first draft submission. Be sure to proof read your work for sentence structure, grammar, and spelling, and submit your paper as many times as you like prior to the actual due date, through Canvas, to receive feedback from E-rater and TurnItIn.  Your TurnItIn similarity score should be no higher than 15%. If it is higher than 15%, please rewrite your draft to get your similarity score to 15% or lower. Please note that the 1,500 word requirement refers to the body of the paper, and is not inclusive of your references. Papers below the 1,500 word requirement will be assessed a 10 point penalty for each 100 words below the 1,500 word requirement. 

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