
Please client on the links below in order to watch the two videos that the links activate. You can copy and paste the link into your web browser or control + click on the link. The first video link is 30 seconds long. With the second video, you only need to watch the first 20 seconds to answer the questions below.
A.    What tort does this video exhibit?
a.    Is this an intentional or unintentional tort?
b.    What elements are necessary for this particular tort?
c.    Who do you believe is at fault and why?


B.    What tort does this Video exhibit?
a.    Is this an intentional or unintentional tort?
b.    What elements are necessary for this particular tort?

    C. What is the primary difference between video one and video two?

This assignment is worth 35 points. Please email me the assignment no later than 11:59 May 31, 2021.

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