Brand Strategy

Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.
~ — Marty Neumeier

2.4 The Brand Strategy Canvas


Understand the creative process when it comes to developing a brand
Build a greater knowledge base for the brand strategy tools including research, creative, and creative decision-making in the branding process
Explore and research an entertainment brand to dissect their strategic process for developing a consistent and authentic brand

Research and conduct a brand research for an entertainment brand that is similar to the brand you will be developing this month.

Use the Brand Strategy Canvas, developed by the team at Archer Malmo, to map out the brand strategy to discover more about the customer, the competitive environment, the company and its key benefits and more about the company and its clients using this simple, yet complex canvas.

On a single page, the canvas converts the abstract strategy development process into a clear set of steps that you can start using to develop your own brand strategy. By reviewing another companys brand strategy, you will be better prepared to engage on your own to develop your vision for your brand strategy while creating clarity in the process.


Complete a well-researched Brand Strategy Canvas for an entertainment brand, or for one that is similar to the company you are developing, using the template provided. Include a reference page with your specific reference links used.


The Brand Strategy Canvas

The Brand Strategy Canvas: A One-Page Guide for Startups, Chapters 2 & 3:

from The Brand Strategy Canvas: A One-Page Guide for Startups


Research was completed and references/citations are provided 20%

Target audience research applies to the students area of interest 20%

Understanding of the canvas is evident 20%

All areas of the canvas are completed and thorough which communicates the essence of the brand strategy 20%

Professionalism 20%

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