Benchmark Sports Business Landscape

The topic is: College Athletic Director

Based on your research and what you have learned about each career, pick one career and write a 750-1,000-word essay that answers the following questions:
Out of the three careers you researched, why are you most interested in this one? What skills do you have that will equip you to be successful in this role? What skills would you need to gain or improve to be an optimal candidate for this position?

Based on your research of the career paths of individuals who work this position, what are some jobs and career advancement opportunities they held early in their careers that led them to the position you have selected here? According to the job descriptions you have seen, what kind of work experience do these positions require? What internships or entry-level positions might you look for in order to achieve this type of sports business career?

How and where does this career fit into the size and scope of the global sport ecosystem? What does your research tell you about career trends within the sector that contains the position in which you are interested?

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