Assignment 1: Blog: Types of Data and Research Methods

Assignment 1: Blog: Types of Data and Research Methods
The choice of [data collection] methods turns on whether the intent is to specify the type of information to be collected in advance of the study or allow it to emerge from participants in the project.
Creswell, 2009

As this quotation suggests, the process of selecting and implementing data collection is a unique process dependent on the goals and questions of a study. The researcher must evaluate each studys intentions, as well as past experiences, to determine the data and methods most appropriate and effective for each study. For this blog, you reflect on the research question chosen for your Capstone Project and how it influences the types of data that might help answer your question, as well as the research methods that would support collecting this type of data.

By Day 3
Post by Day 3 an explanation of the types of data that may help you answer your research question. Then, explain which research method might be best if you were to collect data for your Capstone Project and why. Support your explanation with resources from your literature review that discuss various research methods and analysis.

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