Any topic (writer’s choice)

The essay needs to be in MLA format please and the sources need to come from both of the poems. Robert Frosts poem “Birches” and T.S Elliot “The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock”.

Instructions from my professor: This essay needs to be thesis driven and argumentative. Meaning you need to do more than just pointing out what is occurring in two texts; you need to be point out aspects in tow texts to prove a larger point of how the texts work out together.

This is the prompt:
While the speaker in Frosts “birches” lauds the idea of a boy embracing his surroundings until it “could bear no more”, the speaker in Elliot’s “The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock” seems to shrink from nearly all of life’s opportunities.Looking at both poems, explore the idea of seizing opportunities or failing to seize those opportunities and the impact that could have on an individual.

The picture I attached is just some questions my teacher provided to help us.

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