Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read these guidelines carefully before you compose your film response.
Your task is to write a film response that integrates ONE CHINA FILM (or Taiwanese film) or ONE JAPAN FILM, with at least two readings. Your response should focus on a specific theme or historical moment from film clips screened in class. The film should only be one that we have recommended to you, not any film you happen to come across.
For your response, give examples from the film that discuss how that issue (the specific theme or historical moment) is addressed in the film.
Next, please choose TWO readings from Japan or TWO readings from China (or Taiwan) from the assigned course readings (listed on the syllabus). You must cite each reading at least once in the paper. Either direct quotation or paraphrasing is fine.
You must include a WORKS CITED PAGE and an original TITLE for your film review.
Be sure to have a coherent and well-conceived structure (introduction, thesis statement, body, conclusion), where you back your main points up with examples from the readings and films.
The paper should be at least 3 pages long, double-spaced. It should be typed in 12-pt Times New Roman font. Please use a standard citation format, Chicago, MLA, or APA.
All students are expected to adhere to university codes of academic integrity. All instances of academic misconduct (including Cheating, Plagiarism, and Collusion) will be rigorously investigated and carried forward with the Office of Student Conduct. You should only be citing sources from the FILMS and assigned course readings. There is no need to consult additional sources. For citations from the READINGS or FILMS, include AUTHOR-Page number (ex: Goodman 2008:70) and TIME-STAMP for the film section you refer to.

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