Any topic (writer’s choice)

Be sure you will conduct a literature review and describe the plan for conducting proposed research or quality improvement project based on your initial research inquiry assignment. What will be your research questions?

1. What are the differences any between online and classroom learning?

2. What are the advantages of online and classroom learning?

3. What are the disadvantages of online and classroom learning?

4. Do children struggle more online than in a classroom?

5. Is online education as effective as face-to-face instructions?

6. How are children in fourth-grade education impacted, in online learning?

My focus would be to see which one is better for children.

You have to figure out how you are going to answer those questions. What kind of research will you use. Who will be your participants in the study? What kind of instrument will you use to get your data and how will you analyze that data. All of these questions need to be answered.

Everything needs to be on the answer from the document.

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