Any topic (writer’s choice)

Review Essay Instructions:

3 Full pages + References page


Have you ever watched a movie, read a book, or played a video game and thought something like: Thats not the way its done, or I wonder if people really did that back then, or can someone really jump from a building and land without injury? Or perhaps, you thought, Wow, this is really realistic and accurate.

Most of us have these kinds of thoughts at some point. As consumers, we bring our own knowledge and experiences to a product and medium. This thought process is critical thinking and analysis. When we think analytically, we evaluate, think from different perspectives, form a judgment, and support our analysis with evidence. However, without sharing our knowledge, we cannot enact change. Reviews are a powerful way to support what you value or call out what you disagree with.

When we write a thoughtful review, we are putting our critical thinking on paper and to use — by influencing others.

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