Any topic (writer’s choice)

Colleague 1cm
Post a brief description of the scenario that you selected and explain which level of treatment is most appropriate for the client and why. Include the criteria for that level of treatment. Finally, based on your review of the levels of treatment, explain which level you are most interested in working in and why.

For this weeks discussion post I choose Anthony who is a sixteen-year-old African American male who has reported to smoke marijuana three times a week or less and primarily on the weekends. His parents report that they were unaware until Anthony was pulled over for a broken taillight. While marijuana is legal in Washington State he is a minor and cited by the police officer. Anthony reports he started smoking at 14 years old and he occasionally has a few beers with his friends on the weekend. For Anthony I would consider outpatient treatment services in the form of counseling.

According to Edwards (2020) this would be considered a level one treatment as regularly scheduled sessions which are typically weekly or twice weekly. In the case of Anthony, I would want to see him in individual sessions and a peer-to-peer support group as I believe he will connect with others his age. According to Capuzzi & Stauffer (2020) it is important to include the client in the treatment process. For instance, I would want to gage Anthonys willingness to participate in a peer-to-peer support group. The client needs to be willing to participate in their treatment. In this case we want to support the disengagement from using substances prior to the legal age of the state he resides to avoid legal trouble

The level of treatment I am most interested in working with will depend on each client. My goal is to work with clients at where they are and the treatment they need. For instance, there would be no need to recommend inpatient treatment for Anthony in the scenario we are provided. I might recommend it for the other client in the discussion post, but certainly not for this case.


Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2020). Foundations of addictions counseling (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

Edwards, D. (2020). Levels of treatment for substance abuse.Psych Central. Retrieved from


Colleague 2

RE: Week 4 Discussion
A brief description of the scenario that you selected and explain which level of treatment is most appropriate for the client and why.

I selected Scenario 1. Anthony is 16 years old who smokes marijuana. He smokes no more than three times a week. He mostly smokes on the weekend. His parents were unaware of his drug use until he ran into law enforcement. Law enforcement obtained a few grams of marijuana. Anthony parents brought him to see a social worker for treatment. He did admit that he began to smoke when he was 14 yrs old and occasionally drinks beers.

The level of treatment that is most appropriate for Anthony is level 1-outpatient treatment. Anthony does have a addiction but it isnt sever enough to see him several times a week. The therapy doesnt need to be intensive. His drug use doesnt seem to be an alarm because his parents didnt know until law enforcement pulled him over.

Include the criteria for that level of treatment.

Level 1 treatment is an outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is an organized nonresidential treatment service or an office practice with addiction professionals and clinicians providing professionally directed alcohol and other drug (AODA) treatment (Edwards, 2018). There would be weekly or bi-weekly individual therapy, weekly group therapy or a combination of the two in association with participation in self-help groups (Edwards, 2018).

Based on your review of the levels of treatment, explain which level you are most interested in working in and why.

The level of treatment that I would like to work with is intensive outpatient treatment. I want to work at this level because I can get to know the patients better. I would be seeing these patients several times a week. These sessions are regular. These patients will also build a rapport with me because they will see me often.

Edwards, D. (2018). Levels of treatment for substance abuse. Psych Central. Retrieved from

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