Any topic (writer’s choice)

Now, its time for you to write an elevator speech!  This is an important assignment, as you will be using your elevator speech during the mock interview in this course, but also when you interview for professional positions in the future.  An elevator speech is your opportunity to showcase to employers your unique value proposition and how their organization can benefit from you. This assignments fulfills the following module learning objectives:

Write a unique value proposition or an elevator speech.
Explain your personal branding message.

If you havent already, please review the following resources to learn what to include in your elevator speech:

Your 30-Second Pitch Links to an external site.Preview the document- Learn about the purpose of an elevator speech and what it should include in this PowerPoint presentation. 
Developing an Elevator Pitch (Links to an external site.)- This video shows what to do and what not to do when delivering a pitch for yourself during an interview.  Watch this video before practicing your pitch.
Then, write a speech that can be delivered in 30 to 60 seconds. You will need to practice delivering your speech to determine how long it takes.  Time yourself or have someone else time you. Use MS Word and include the following elements in your speech:

A strong opening. This will be a solid sentence introducing who you are, which will include your name, job title or primary role, and a tagline (Links to an external site.).
A paragraph discussing why you chose this line of work and how it fits in with your goals and values.
A paragraph highlighting your strengths and experience. How would you bring value to a job or organization?
A paragraph discussing your top accomplishments. What have you achieved that you are proud?
A strong closing sentence. Thank your audience and let them know you appreciate their time.

Grading Criteria
Review the grading rubric below this assignment to see how it is assessed.

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