Any topic (writer’s choice)

Last time in class, we discussed Innovation and Change. This assignment is intended to make you think about change as it relates to the future of work.

Here is a link to the assignment video (there is also a podcast option). Copy and paste the link, do not click on it!

After watching the video, create a new discussion thread that answers these questions:

What was the most interesting statement you heard in this interview?
Discuss how changes discussed in the interview apply to you and your future career.

Your discussion should consist of two paragraphs and should look like this (take special note of the BOLD letters):

1. The most interesting statement: I was surprised to hear that This answer should be one or two sentences long and it does not have to be a direct quote, you can paraphrase.

2. How it applies to me: Considering that my career is in. This answer should address how the changes discussed in the interview are likely to impact your career. How will you adapt to the changes, what is likely to happen in your career field in the future?

Minimum word count for this assignment is 300 words. You will not be able to see anyone else’s answer until you create your own discussion thread. It is important that your first thread contains your complete answer because I will only grade your first posted discussion thread (if your first posted thread is blank or incomplete, there will not be a chance for a “re-do”).
Late assignments and assignment that do not meet the minimum word count will not be accepted and will receive a 0. Disrespectful/inappropriate comments will receive a grade of 0, and may involve further disciplinary actions. Do not submit Word documents, type directly in the discussion box!

1. Did you follow all formatting/submission instructions? (10 points)
3. Did you provide a meaningful answer to both questions? (20 points)

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