Bronte Sisters

You are going to do some research today. It will be a 6 paragraph, possibly dis-jointed essay.  I would like you to research this question: What causes the 3 sisters to all grow up to be well-known authors?

Discuss a bit about the Bronte family dynamic and each sister. The sisters can go in any order in your essay. Here is a basic outline:

1.Intro w/ thesis statement. Bring your paper together with one idea or point.
2.) Bronte family culture.
3.) Charlotte
4.) Emily
5.) Anne
6.) Conclusion, wrapping up your main point about the Bronte family and ‘how/why’ they all might have become such great authors.

Be sure to include each sister’s most famous work with a quick summary of the book. Your essay should be 500-700 words long and be written in MLA formatting.
**Cite your sources.

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