understanding of ethnicity and race enrich the health practitioners role in service provision

How can having an understanding of ethnicity and race enrich the health practitioners role in service provision? In your answer, illustrate your using the example of health issues experienced by Travellers. Discuss how social factors (such as socioeconomic position, social support/social stress and racism, biological factors, behavioural factors, cultural factors, and access to and use of health services) impact the health of ethnic minorities.

Use the below readings only:

O’Donnell, P, Tierney, E., OCarroll, A. Nurse, D. & MacFarlane, A. (2017). Exploring levers and barriers to accessing primary care for marginalised groups and identifying their priorities for primary care provision: a participatory learning and action research study, Int J Equity Health 15(197). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-016-0487-5

Department of Justice and Equality (2017). National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy 20172021, Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality. Available at: http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/National%20 Traveller%20and%20Roma%20Inclusion%20 Strategy,%202017-2021.pdf/Files/National%20 Traveller%20and%20Roma%20Inclusion%20 Strategy,%202017-2021.pdf (p. 9-14 & 33- 36).

Please include clear introductory and concluding paragraphs; ensure main paragraphs give balanced attention to all important aspects of the answer.

Please include a good engagement with the question set, with consistently good evidence of understanding of the subject matter through some use of theories/analytical approaches, well supported by evidence/examples.

Clearly, present argument that answers the question; acknowledge weaknesses and strengths of the argument; acknowledge some remaining ambiguities and nuances.

Please try not to exceed 1000 words

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