Artificial Intelligence & The Automotive Industry

I am in an MBA program and the course title for the assignment is Quantitative Analysis/Business Analytics Course. The instructions for the essay are:
Prepare a paper (not including title and reference pages) on your vision (really my vision hehe!!) regarding the future applications of robotics. Select a specific application of interest (e.g., medical robotic surgery) and discuss implementation and cost factors. Comment on any potential ethical issues or problems that may occur. What are pros/cons? Attached you will see a sample of the assignment that received 99/100!…And there are a few journal articles attached to reference for the content. If you come across any credible journal references feel free to include those.Format and content should be like the attached sample including adding 2-3 images, how you reference articles or images within the paper. An exception I’d like to see is a brief summary or abstract at the beginning and an APA style  title page. Can you please make sure the essay flows I’ve had some riders in the past write papers where it is all over the place and different topics within the essay art talked about throughout the whole paper instead of just one paragraph. Does this make sense to you? like the example attached, with the exception of the summary/abstract, begin writing the introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. For the body make sure topics are organized meaning topic 1 is paragraph 1; topic 2 is paragraph 2 etc. I’m sure you know this but in the opening paragraph state what the topics will be. I’m stating this because past writers also did not do that. When I say flow I mean at the end of the paragraph the last sentence should lead you to the next paragraph and topic and I’m sure you know this too. Professor requests single space 2-4 pages and since cost is based on each page being doubled space, you can write double and I’ll change to single. So 4 pages doubled space. At the end of page 4 can you include all references there and I’ll create the references page? I’m not too good at apa reference pages! So you only need half of page 4 essay content and the other half references. Does this make since? I’ll also add tvr title page.

My application of interest is: self driving cars; driverless cars; artificial intelligence and the automotive or automobile industry (all different ways to state topic) Can be used as keywords in summary/abstract!!

I tried to be as specific as possible but if you have any questions or need clarification you can message me anytime of course. If you have a major concern about the instructions let me know ASAP.

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