Business 2 Business Marketing Exam

This exam covers textbook material from Chapter 7 through Chapter 15. To complete the exam, respond to the five essay-response items presented. Each item is worth 30 points. Your responses may be based upon any of the material covered in the course, as well as any outside-of-class material that you believe to be appropriate.

Attached all the PDF’s from chapter 7 to Chapter 15.

1. Compare the importance of positioning in business-to-business markets with positioning in consumer markets.

2. Compare the marketing mix and customs of an innovation-oriented firm and a market share-driven firm. What suggestions could you make to a share-driven firm that also wants to be known as an innovator in the market?

3. Under what general conditions would you want to use a price-skimming strategy? Under what conditions would you switch from a price-skimming strategy to a penetration pricing strategy? What elements of the marketing mix (other than price) would be involved when switching from a skimming strategy to a penetration strategy?

4. Compare the role of a seller in consumer markets with a seller in business-to-business markets.

5. How does business-to-business branding differ from consumer products branding? Why should a business-to-business marketer care about building a strong brand?

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